freaking Friday 24052024

Freaking Friday

As I suspected, my doctor’s office lost my urine so I had to give another one today. It totally messed up my day. I was tired when I came home. It was still hot out but there was a cool breeze. I forgot my keys. Luckily my sister was home.

I ordered Thai for dinner and the pad thai was nothing special. King and I in Boston has spoiled me. I will never order it from any other place. The new place was promising but didn’t hold up. The crab rangoons were good though.

My UA was good, no sign of infection but I am still having urinary symptoms. I think it is most likely due to the testosterone. I suspect the NP will prescribe me estrogen cream for it. It’s supposed to help. We’ll see if it does.

I found my box of catheters. I have plenty should I need to cath again. My allergies have been awful today. I have phlegm in the back of my throat that I keep clearing but it doesn’t go anywhere. So annoying. I have been drinking a lot of fluid today because it has been hot and I have been sweating. I managed to clear some things off my bed. It is a work in progress. Hopefully tomorrow I can tackle it all as I don’t have plans to do anything.

I’m going to listen to the game and just relax tonight. I hope I can stay up all 9 innings. It is going to be a challenge as I feel so tired. My final grade is an 89, which is a B+. I am happy and proud of myself. Last night my foot flared up. And now it is flared up again. I had to take gaba and pain meds last night. I was up most of the night again. I didn’t go to bed until maybe 4. I finished Norse Mythology. A friend wrote a book of poems and I started it. It was emotional so I had to put the book down. She is such a good writer. I played with my book and all things are set to go for June 14th. I am so excited. My friend still hasn’t sent me a reformatted pdf of the cover yet. She is on vacation so I am trying to be patient.

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