allergies and a headache

Allergies and a headache

I was up for a few hours last night. I went pee and then finally fell asleep probably around 5ish. I had the weirdest dreams. I woke up with a headache and my allergies were already flaring as my nose was running. I really have no plans today but am going to try and do some small part to clean my room. It has gotten out of control. I have bags of recycling that need to be brought down. I also need to do something with my clothes.

I brought out the trash and a bag of recycling. I had to walk around the house as the contractors had put fresh cement on the stairs leading to the driveway. I didn’t want to step on it so went around. As I was passing the front yard, I saw a black dove. I wish I had my phone on me but I left it in my room. It was so pretty.

My friend is traveling so I probably won’t get an adjusted picture of the pdf that I need for my book. I will get it soon though. I will be happy when this is done. It has been one stressful event.

Despite sleeping well, I am still fucking tired. The allergies are making feel like shit. I still feel ill from the UTI. I took an antibiotic at like 4am to start it off. I keep on having bladder pain so I have been taking the pyridium. It sucks. I hate having a UTI.

I looked up stuff to get my real ID as next year you will definitely need it to travel. Not like I will be traveling but it will be good to have. I need to get my passport done. I just need to get a couple of things copied and a photo done. I made an appointment for the ID. I just hope the stupid T is running that day and I don’t need to take a shuttle.

I just had something to eat. I made Lipton chicken noodle soup and had cheese and crackers. It felt good to have something warm. I still feel crummy and I am contemplating taking a Benadryl soon. Allergies are off so bad. For some reason, my Sox calendar isn’t loading. Last day I have is Monday. They have a game tonight at 8. They are in MO playing the Cardinals. I hope they fucking win. They had a horrible series against the Rays. That is if I am still awake by then.

still not feeling well

Still not feeling well

I only woke up once during the night and pretty much just slept through. My med alarm went off but I didn’t get up right away. I went back to sleep and had some weird dreams before getting up around 1030. The dreams caused a headache. I felt like shit and really wanted to cancel my appointment but I needed to go. I decided to take a cab as it was raining. I took a shower hoping it would help me feel better but it didn’t.

I saw my surgeon for approximately five minutes. He said it looked good and that I was free to go. If I had any problems to contact him. I told him about the chest wall pain and he said that was normal. I felt reassured but what to do about the pain? I didn’t ask. Just do what I have been doing, I guess.

I went to my favorite Thai restaurant for pad thai. I was really feeling ill because I hardly ate or drank yesterday. I was hungry. I just had a cup of coffee and nothing else. I wanted a piece of cake but just didn’t cut myself a piece. I picked up my antibiotics. I hope they help this shitty feeling. I came home a sweaty mess. It was cool but warm out and I had dressed too warmly. I should have worn shorts instead of sweatpants. I ate my meal and it was so good. I took my meds and then went up to my room. I tried to nap but couldn’t.

My friend sent me the pdf of the cover I liked. It was too big so I sent her the dimensions that she needs to have it in. If all goes well, I could have the book live this weekend.

I feel so shitty, like I could pass out shitty. I am not running a fever. My sinuses are congested and I have phlegm in the back of my throat. Allergies are bad today, which doesn’t help. Least the headache has gone away. I am trying to take in fluids. I hope increasing them make me feel better because I feel awful. I don’t want to do anything but lie down. Because I was sleeping most of the day yesterday, I didn’t end up taking my recycle out or trash out. I am going to try and clean my room a little at a time each day.