Saturday Blog 25052024

Saturday Blog 25052024

I finally emptied my bed and changed the sheets. I am washing my comforter and it is in the dryer as we speak. Don’t really need it as it is hot as hell in my room. It’s another hot one today. I can’t wait to put in the AC. I need to clear that space. I also need to shower as I have been sweating like crazy. I am tired and I need to rest my back for a bit before I do that.

My Sox are imploding. Pivetta is pitching and he just got slammed. Brewers lead 5-0 right now. I am not happy. I can’t stand Nick. He is a better reliever than starter. But the Sox don’t have too many arms. Two pitchers are out for surgery and it is not likely Whitlock will return this season. We were already down a pitcher when the season began. Management never got us one so now we are suffering. The O’s won today so I think we might be headed for last place again if we aren’t already there.

Allergies are bad today. My nose hasn’t stopped running and I haven’t stopped sneezing. I just placed my grocery order. I need to have my drinks and water. I will have to reschedule my dentist appointment again. I feel so tired. I got up around 1 maybe? I don’t remember but I know I took my meds late. My sinuses hurt so bad. Post nasal drip is awful. I keep clearing my throat and it is getting irritated. I feel miserable.

any thoughts?