too hot to do anything

Too hot to do anything

Today was in the 80s and my room is about the same. I was too hot to do anything today. I made lunch and had three cups of coffee. I woke up early when my med alarm went off. I stayed up for a couple of hours and then took a nap. Had some weird dreams. I got up around 11/12 and had chimichangas with some coffee. I think I am going to have the same dinner as last night, and finish off the pepperoni and cheese. It’s National Cheese Day. I have Colby Jack.

I had wanted to go to the police station today but the heat just made me feel ick. The ballgame played early so I will have the evening free to read. I started a new book that is mindless reading. I like it. It’s a book by Seanan McGuire. It’s ok but I hate when you read something and you already know where it’s going. It’s that kind of reading but you continue to read hoping you’re wrong. Sox beat the Braves 9-0. Pivetta got the win as he was outstanding. Amazing what a little run support can do. He usually sucks and gets nothing for his good work but then loses the game because he gives up the long ball.

I sent the docu-sign thing to the place. It finally allowed me to send it after I finagled it. There were a couple of boxes I had missed so that was why I wasn’t given the option to send. Hopefully I will get an appointment in the next few days. I have to call Mass Rehab for a home care assistant. I don’t know what that is like. My phone anxiety gets in the way of the call. I will try tomorrow. I am tempted to email my case worker. My anxiety has been high the past few days. Last night I was off the fucking wall. I had locked my door so my sister didn’t intrude. She sometimes doesn’t wait for a response when she knocks. So I was having anxiety of the house catching on fire and being trapped in my room because the door was locked. Around midnight I got really thirsty and had to use the bathroom so I did. Then couldn’t really go to sleep so I read for a bit after taking some Benadryl and Ativan. My allergies weren’t really bad but I kept having to clear my throat from post nasal drip. I had already used the flonase. I hate that nothing is really working for this phlegm. I constantly feel like something is in my throat. Yesterday it was bad as I was walking home. I felt like I was choking. It was a similar sensation when something dry gets stuck in my throat and I can’t swallow it but it wasn’t as bad. It is driving me crazy. I see my pcp in 15 days so I will run it by her to see if she can suggest something.

My bank recently upgraded their app. I used to be able to transfer money into my sister’s account to help pay the household bills but now am not seeing the bank as an option. I guess I will have to write her a check from now on. I hate doing it as sometimes I can’t keep track of my expenses.

I need something sweet. I don’t have any cookies or chocolate. I have some Reese’s eggs but I want like an Oreo or something. I’m going to raid my sister’s apartment..

any thoughts?