sleepy day

Sleepy day

I got into a pain flare last night and couldn’t go to sleep until like 2am. I slept until like 7. I had woken up to pee and then I took my meds. I went back to sleep and then my sister texted me a few times and I got up. She needed someone to talk to the contractors. Apparently they had to redo the siding on my side of the house. It was a bit rainy today but much cooler than it has been. I made something to eat and had coffee. I finished off the pepperoni and cheese that I had. I was still hungry but I didn’t know what to eat. I went up to my room and laid down. I fell asleep for three and a half hours. I had some weird dreams. My sister called me and I had to use the bathroom. I called her back. She wanted to know about the siding. I hadn’t seen it as I just woke up from my nap.

I wanted a cup of coffee and my sister had made a wonton soup. I had that for supper. It was good. I’ve never had wonton soup before. I couldn’t finish the bowl.

I didn’t do anything today. I did do some school stuff that had to be done for financial aid. I also sent a message to my pcp telling her I started taking a magnesium supplement after reading an article about magnesium. I seem to fit the symptoms of hypomagnesium so I am hoping taking it twice a day helps with the spasms and fatigue. I also asked if I could get my mag level when I see her in a couple of weeks to make sure I am not over doing it.

My psychiatrist’s office called this morning to cancel my appointment with him. I was so fucking pissed because it has been almost two and a half months since I saw him. Luckily, I was able to make an appointment with him in two weeks. Unfortunately, I have three appointments that day. His makes four. I have a busy afternoon. I might end up taking a cab home rather than walk to the station, depending on how I feel. I have a cab voucher for it.

Despite sleeping for a few hours, I am still fucking tired. Sox are playing the White Sox in Chicago. They lead 3-0 right now. I’ve been keeping tabs on the game. I don’t feel like listening. I weighed myself and I’ve gained 5 pounds. I don’t like this. I need to do something but I don’t really know what to do. Some days I get really hungry and other days, I eat just one meal a day. I wanted to shave today but never got around to it. I did manage to brush my teeth. Tomorrow I hope I can shower as it has been a few days. My sister said I smell. She is so “nice” to me.

I was hoping to hear back from the therapy place but I still haven’t received a call or text from them. Maybe tomorrow. My anxiety has been bad lately. I couldn’t sleep the other night because I had it in my head that I wouldn’t be able to get out of my room if a fire broke out so I couldn’t sleep. It was so difficult to calm down from that. I can jump out my window if I can’t go down the stairs. I should get a safety ladder or something like it, just in case of emergency.

any thoughts?