haunted me so stunningly

Haunted me so stunningly

I wanted to go to the police station today. I didn’t. I then decided I was going to the library. I still haven’t left the house for anything. My chest hurts and my bladder is a little irritated for whatever reason. I have been going to the bathroom like every hour or two. It is annoying. I haven’t eaten anything today except a little asparagus. I don’t know what I want to eat. My choices are limited. I might make a bologna sandwich.

I slept good but I still feel fucking tired. Just getting out of bed was so hard today. I only got up because I had to pee. I did brush my teeth and shaved my head some as I missed a couple of spots yesterday. I am liking the baldness. Only thing that stinks is that my head is itchy all the time. I don’t know if I can put lotion on my head.

I can’t believe in two days my book will be available via ebook. I can’t wait. I have been sharing it everywhere to try and get people to look at it. I can’t wait to share it with my pcp when I see her next week.

I am depressed. I wasn’t able to do anything today and it bothers me so much. I tried working on the corner I didn’t do yesterday. I got too overwhelmed. I took out my recycle instead. I’m in a fuck it mood. I am eating fig newtons. I had a bologna sandwich and two oreos. I feel like fucking shit and do so day after day. I never have a good day anymore. Or if I do, I end up with severe pain at night. Past five nights, my CRPS pain has been awful. Like I can’t sleep kind of pain. I often don’t go to sleep until close to midnight most nights because I am so uncomfortable. My foot is hurting now but it will get worse later. I know it is probably because the weather has been going up and down. I am feeling so depressed and it happens nearly every night around the same time. I also get sleepy.

I took my night meds early. Sox are playing the Phillies tonight. Pivetta is pitching and I am mixed over whether or not to listen to the game. If he doesn’t get run support, he loses in a big way. There hasn’t been a consistent pitcher on the team all season.

any thoughts?