Saturday Blog 15062024

Saturday Blog 15062024

I just came home from a family event. One of my aunts asked me inappropriate questions about me being trans. It got uncomfortable. Thankfully another aunt asked questions and she shut up. She is losing her mind and is prejudiced. I avoided her for a long time while she visited when my mother was sick. I don’t go to these events because I get uncomfortable after a while. I took some food to carry home. I froze the burgers that I had. I am utterly exhausted from being out the past couple of hours and just want to fucking cry.

I wasn’t planning on going. I usually don’t go to parties because I usually never get a card. I just don’t believe in paying five bucks for something that is just going to get thrown away. I just wanted to read today and maybe clean my room in between. Now I am so exhausted I don’t know if I am going to be up for the game. I just want to fucking cry and stupid T won’t let me. I hate that I feel things in extremes at times, like I am either feeling joy or sadness or nothing at all. But when I hurt like I am hurting now I can’t do a damn thing about it. My feet hurt, head hurts, heart hurts, and back is cramping. I hate being alive sometimes.

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