wicked hot today

Wicked hot today

It’s in the 90s today. I had to go out to get my meds. I had my coffee and then I brushed my teeth. I checked the bus schedule and a bus would be coming soon. I got dressed and left. It was so hot out. I wanted turkey bacon but the two stores I went to didn’t have it. I got regular bacon instead. I also picked up my poster for my pcp’s office. Now I just got to wait for the books to come in.

I feel so shitty from the heat. I keep trying to rest but can’t really. I need to shave my head today and am finding it hard to get the energy after I went out. I feel sleepy but I can’t sleep. I feel kinda anxious. I only had one cup of coffee today. I want to make an iced coffee but I never got the chance and it is after 4 now so too late. I need to cool down. I bought two Gatorade hydrate bottles as it was on sale at the pharmacy. I had a $10 coupon so I used it. It was like getting them for free.

I don’t have any appointments this week. I am just going to try and spend some time reading. I am almost done with the library book. I think I have like 5 chapters left. I didn’t read yesterday. I ended up going to bed soon as the ballgame was over. I was tired. I slept ok even though I had a weird dream about taking Italian 102. I kept going from the classroom to the hospital. It was weird. My allergies are somewhat okish today. Yesterday I had to take another Allegra because they were bad. I kept on sneezing like crazy. I had a sneeze attack this morning soon after I got up but it settled down after I took my meds.

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