It’s Monday again

It’s Monday again

I had therapy today and about an hour or so after we ended session, I sent a message saying I quit. It just isn’t worth it to me anymore. I barely talked. I had no idea what to talk about. I am done with her. If she responds, I am going to ask for another therapist. She just isn’t right for me.

I have been dealing with allergies most of the day. I have a knot of phlegm at the back of my throat that won’t go down and can’t cough up. I keep coughing and my nose is running. No matter how many times I blow my nose, I am still congested. I fucking hate this season and wish it was fall already. (I would love to skip summer all together).

I started clearing my bed off. I started with one side and will do the other side tomorrow. I need to go to the grocery store. I need more half and half and some turkey breast. I’d love a turkey sandwich. I am still feeling low. I have no energy. I made a beef pot pie for lunch. I had chocolate pie for breakfast. It was so yummy. I only had one cup of coffee. I brushed my teeth but I haven’t shaved my head yet. I plan on doing that soon. I might shower, too. I have had back cramps so am waiting for them to calm down before doing what I need to do.

A friend had posted on Facebook a recipe with cabbage and carrots. I am thinking of making it but I need to know if they sell cabbage already shredded. I am not good at shredding stuff, unless I use a food processor. But I did that one time for a chicken recipe and it obliterated the chicken to dust so I don’t want to do that again.

I somehow managed to aggravate a stomach muscle. It cramped in a big way. Fucking hate this. I am going to shave my head before I get too lazy. Until tomorrow folks.

any thoughts?