bad mood most of the day

Bad mood most of the day

I’ve been in a bad mood most of the day so I just decided to sleep it off. It didn’t help. I am still in a rotten mood. I had some messages when was awake. My therapist texted me saying she was in contact with my psychiatrist and that she will “try” to contact the therapist that I asked her to. She said she is still working on a time for us to meet. I don’t care at this point. I just want to stay in bed and do nothing.

The friend that I was talking to in the early morning sent me a few messages. I ignored them. I don’t want to talk to her today. I don’t want to talk to anyone today. Just leave me the fuck alone.

I was half tempted to page my psychiatrist this morning to see what my therapist told her. I might email her. I don’t know if I can wait till Friday. But I don’t care right now. My therapist could go to hell right now. I just can’t deal.

I got to lie down again. I wrote enough for today.

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